International Harvester, Buckland MA
This beauty was revealed when a new owner cleared an overgrown field! -
Autocar 1, Bernardston MA
Autocar 1, B&W
The same truck rendered
in Black and White.
These are tilt-shift
Autocar 2, Bernardston MA
Another old Autocar becomming a trellis for Concord grapes. -
Autocar 3, Bernardston MA
A classic example of both "tilt" and "shift," making this stationary beast look like it's going 90mph! -
Williamstown Ford 1
Black storm clouds mass
beneath the west face of
Mount Greylock as this
old Ford catches a
ray of afternoon sun.
Williamstown Ford 2
A tilt-shift lens gives this
view of an old ford an
aggressive presence.
Roy's Fords 1, Shelburne MA
This Ford is on a hillside
in Shelburne; a long
exposure on a windy
evening gives it a
ghostly look.
Roy's Fords 2, Shelburne MA
A winter black & white
beneath a wild sky.
Old Cars and Trucks